Why invest in Australian agriculture?
Australia is among the world’s lowest-cost producers and largest exporters of agricultural commodities.
Key characteristics of our agriculture industry include:
- Australian agriculture offers patient, long term investors excellent economies of scale by acquiring existing businesses and/or building a portfolio over time through acquisition and consolidation.
- Australia has an excellent history of safe and healthy food production. As an island nation, we are well isolated from many diseases prevalent elsewhere.
- We are a major global exporter of high quality agricultural commodities. With a small domestic economy and a large excess of production, Australian commodities have supplied global markets for many years and will continue to do so.
- Australia is well positioned geographically to high growth Asian and Middle East markets. As their population and GDP/capita grows, so does the demand for high quality & safe food.
- Our nation has a stable regulatory environment compared with many other countries.
- Agricultural land in Australia on a value/hectare basis is undervalued relative to other developed countries. As a result, with the right strategy and a long term approach, investors can capture value from investing in land and productivity.
- Australia’s agricultural industry is hungry for international investment. It is widely accepted that the development and growth of our agribusiness sector is contingent on new, external capital.
- Non-residents can own the land.
- We are a well-developed market developed by highly-competitive producers.